Episode 82: Trans and Christian- Alex Clare-Young, URC Minister

Alex Clare-Young (pronouns: they/them) is a minister in the United Reformed Church, with a passion for Scripture, inclusion and social justice. They identify as Jesus-follower, trans and non-binary.

Alex joins Laura, Malky and Jonty to discuss young people transitioning, the theology of being trans, living outside of gender binaries and the pain and prejudice trans people face right now. On the way, we wonder if Malky was a fateful pizza guy in Alex's university, whether Laura counts as a millennial and if conservative churches are doing damage to their own missions by excluding queer people from the start.

What does someone with identities so regularly weaponised by culture warriors actually think about Scripture, the Church and faith? 

Alex is passionate about engaging with both gender identity and how Christian spaces can be safer, and they graciously offered some advice on what Christians can do to make things better for their trans siblings. (They also taught us that 'brothers and sisters' can feel excluding and irritating to people who feel like neither a brother nor a sister - siyafunda, we are learning!)

On the episode, you'll also hear Alex's suggestions for media that might help you understand the trans and non-binary experience better.

You can find out more about Alex and their journey at Beyond Binaries (alexclareyoung.co.uk)

Beer Christianity explores Christian trans identity, a life blessed beyond gender binaries and whether it’s time we called it ‘Theybrew’.

You can listen to Episode 82 anywhere: in the shower as you repeatedly practice saying the correct pronouns so you don’t screw up later; in bed later as you relive the moment you did, indeed, screw up; or right here…

New to Beer Christianity? We’re new to a bunch of stuff ourselves. Welcome.

Beer Christianity is an anti-capitalist, pro-BLM, pro-LGBTQ+, post-post-post-evangelical podcast where we drink a bit and talk a lot. Our aim is to be real, helpful and entertaining.

Follow Beer Christianity on Twitter: @beerxianity and find us on SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTube and Stitcher

If you leave us a voicenote at speakpipe.com/beerchristianity we might air your question on an episode. Literally only one person has ever done this. Rather voicenote or message us on Insta.

Beer Christianity also has a newsletter in which Jonty and guest authors comment on the news, theological issues and stuff that matters. He updates it way less than he should. But whaddaya gonna do? Have good mental health and no neurodivergence? Pssshh. Sign up to the Beer Christianity newsletter on Substack

There's a connected Show With Music on Spotify called New Old Music. Check it out if you like eclectic music and weird chat. It's not terribly serious. 

Jonty's novel, Incredulous Moshoeshoe and the Lightning Bird, is not literature but it’s quite fun if you like Supernatural, Africa or the Goth scene.

We don't really want to preach at you, but some people like to know what we believe. It's this: Jesus Christ is the Son of God and came to teach us a better way to be while reconciling us to God and each other in a way we could never do without Him. He also changed water into wine. Nice. 


Episode 83: Greenbelt 2023 Review - beer, hymns, thems and us


Episode 81: Trans people in sport - Cleo Madeleine of Gendered Intelligence