The Beer Christianity podcast has been around for a few years. This website not so much. We’re in the process of adding all previous episodes, but that will take a while because we are all very busy and also very lazy. More (well, all) episodes at our old, ugly Libsyn site (and on all good podcast platforms).

Latest episodes:

Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 83: Greenbelt 2023 Review - beer, hymns, thems and us

Greenbelt Festival is a progressive, feminist, LGBTQI+ affirming, Palestine-solidarity, post-capitalist, Christian, spiritual festival of arts, justice, ideas and music. It’s way more fun than that makes it sound. This is our experience of it in 2023.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 80: Paul Northup on 50 years and the future of Greenbelt Festival

How are the origins of Greenbelt Festival (50 this year) linked to the Hippie movement? When and why did churches stop sending youth groups to Greenbelt? And why, now, might they start sending them again? Festival Director Paul Northup talks history, spiritual impact and how Greenbelt has always felt different from other Christian festivals.

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